Wie geht es den Indie-Rollenspielverlagen im deutschsprachigen Raum? Markus hat. mit Mel von Storypunks, Alexander von Dunkelmänner und Daniel von System Matters diskutiert.
System Matters
We take a deep dive with Jon Cole into the fascinating world of live action roleplaying games. What’s a chamber LARP, how do nordic LARPS and American Freeform differ, and are there any kinds of LARPs for people who don’t like LARP-ing?
Apocalypse Keys designer Rae Nedjadi talks about their design process, Ghostrider and the TTRPG scene in the Philippines.
Sword Queen Games
Apocalypse Keys
Jason Cordova, designer of The Between, joins us to discuss the game design story behind his victorian monster hunter extravaganza, and how doing a huge detour with Brindlewood Bay influenced the final game.
The Between
Gauntlet Publishing Discord
Jason Cordova, designer of Brindlewood Bay, joins us to discuss the origin story behind his game of murder mavens, and how game design sometimes happens after the fact and what play testing with a large community for two years can teach you about your own game.
Brindlewood Bay Kickstarter
Gauntlet Publishing Discord
Jason Morningstar joins us to discuss designing and redesigning Fiasco – and a couple of new games.
Bully Pulpit Games
We wrap up our mini-series on City of Mist with an interview with the game’s designer Amit Moshe, talking about CoM’s heritage, design process and fanbase.