3W6 Con 2024 with Kathryn Hymes
Wir beenden die elfte Staffel des 3W6 Podcast mit der Aufnahme vom Samstagabend der 3W6 Con im August 2024. Mit dabei ist unser Ehrengast der Convention, Dialect-Designerin Kathryn Hymes.
Thorny Games
Ein Podcast übers Geschichtenerzählen und Rollenspielen.
Mit Markus & Harald aus dem wunderschönen Wien.
Wir beenden die elfte Staffel des 3W6 Podcast mit der Aufnahme vom Samstagabend der 3W6 Con im August 2024. Mit dabei ist unser Ehrengast der Convention, Dialect-Designerin Kathryn Hymes.
Thorny Games
Jason und Alex erzählen was euch beim The Between Crowdfunding erwartet
The Between Crowdfunding
Tim Denee is a graphic and game designer, and as such, he almost single-handedly wrote, designed and produced Deathmatch Island. We asked him how that is even possible.
Deathmatch Island
Tim Denee
Squid Game
Battle Royale
The Hunger Games
Kathryn Hymes and Thorny Games are known for language-focused story-games, and in this episode she joins us to talk about Sign—the “almost” LARP they wrote for the Golden Cobra, and give us a sneak peek at what she’ll do and bring to the 3W6 Con in August.
Thorny Games
Ben Robbins is known for GM-less world-building games in general, and for Microscope in particular. He joins us to discuss his new game In This World, his psychology thesis on TTRPGs and many other things.
Lame Mage Productions
Vee Hendro of Storybrewers shares her thoughts on designing accessible games for people new to roleplaying games and how everything from cultural advisors to other games influenced the final shape of Villagesong.
Isaac Williams tells the story of how Mausritter grew from a simple homebrew hack of "Into the Odd meets Mice and Mystics" into the beautiful boxed set we know today.
Mausritter website
Wir beenden die zehnte Staffel des 3W6 Podcast mit der Aufnahme vom Samstagabend der 3W6 Con im August 2023. Mit dabei ist unser Ehrengast der Convention, Brindlewood-Bay-Designer Jason Cordova.
The Gauntlet
Brendan Conway was certainly on our radar since his PbtA teen superhero game Masks. We talked to him about his career, Zombie World and how the success of the Avatar Legends role-playing game change Magpie as a company.
Magpie Games
Mina McJanda tells us why there are so many moves in Legacy: Life Among the Ruins, and share thoughts on the future of the game.
Apocalypse Keys designer Rae Nedjadi talks about their design process, Ghostrider and the TTRPG scene in the Philippines.
Sword Queen Games
Apocalypse Keys
Jason Cordova, designer of The Between, joins us to discuss the game design story behind his victorian monster hunter extravaganza, and how doing a huge detour with Brindlewood Bay influenced the final game.
Eine ganz besondere Folge. Nach drei Jahren endlich wieder live von der 3W6 Con in Wien, noch dazu mit unserer Guest of Honor Alex Roberts (For the Queen, Star Crossed). Die 3W6 Community kommt ebenfalls zu Wort und spricht über die gespielten Spiele und gemachten Erfahrungen.
Alex Roberts
Raccoon Sky Pirates is a madcap story game about raccoons flying to suburbia and raiding a house to steal trash. We talk to its designer Chris Sellers about player agency, facilitation and Kickstarter frenzy.
Unfortunately, Harald was still ill at the time of this recording. This is also the reason why episode nine is live before episode 8, our review of Raccoon Sky Pirates. Bear with us.
Hectic Electron Website
Chris on Twitter
Dialect co-designer Kathryn Hymes joined us for an insightful and inspiring discussion of her design process and how her background in math and computational linguistics plays into it. And there is some more Sapir-Whorf hypothesis trash talk.
Kathryn Hymes
Thorny Games
Wir sprechen zum Abschluss der Brindlewood Bay Mini-Serie mit Alicia Furness (der Autorin von Bed, Breakfast & Beyond, Paranormal Inc. und Unquiet Dark) darüber was das Setting von Brindlewood Bay ist, ob es überhaupt eines gibt, wie es im Spiel entsteht und wie man Material dafür schreibt.
Jason Cordova, designer of Brindlewood Bay, joins us to discuss the origin story behind his game of murder mavens, and how game design sometimes happens after the fact and what play testing with a large community for two years can teach you about your own game.
Brindlewood Bay Kickstarter
Gauntlet Publishing Discord
Finally, we welcome two designers whose games we talked about many times: John Harper and Sean Nittner join us to discuss their game of epic storytelling in ancient Greece, Agon. They discuss their design approach for this game, how it was influenced by Blades in the Dark, and what’s next for them.
Rob Hebert, designer of King Nothing, joins us to discuss how Lady Blackbird and PbtA shaped his way of playing story-focused RPGs and influenced the design process of King Nothing and many of his other games.
Nerdy Paper Games
Stras and John, designers of Band of Blades and Scum and Villainy, join us to discuss their design process, and how they developed their dark military fantasy game, Forged in the Dark.
Unfortunately, Harald could not join this interview.
Off Guard Games